Move to Google Cloud reduces IT infrastructure costs

1 min read
Nov 8, 2021





North America & Europe

A multinational clinical data company based in Canada had aging infrastructure and made the strategic decision to move from its on-premise data centers to Google Cloud. With five data environments located across the globe, this migration needed to be managed with care and without disruption to the business.

Pythian migrated each of the company’s globally dispersed environments to Google Cloud in 11 weeks. By using Google Cloud, the company:

  • Saved money by eliminating upfront hardware costs
  • Improved system reliability with an up-to-date cloud infrastructure
  • Poised itself for growth into new markets with a scalable solution
  • Supported global requirements of its European business

What we did

This healthcare data company engaged Pythian as a trusted advisor to develop and execute a comprehensive international migration strategy. The process included:

  • Inventorying all services and hardware. Pythian developed a detailed map of every application service and machine in each data center that was monitored as everything migrated to Google Cloud Platform.
  • Identifying dependent services. To determine which applications and services needed to move to the cloud simultaneously or in a specific order, Pythian’s experts assessed the co-dependencies of each system.  
  • Determining migration waves. Once everything was mapped out, Pythian identified several dozen waves to perform to complete the project


Technologies used 

  • Google Cloud Platform
  • Google Compute
  • Active Directory
  • Elasticsearch
  • Graylog
  • Jenkins
  • MongoDB
  • MySQL
  • PostgreSQL

Key Outcomes

  • Eliminated capital expenditures while managing costs. The company has all hosting and solutions under a pay-as-you-go plan, avoiding significant upfront capital expenses. 
  • Scalable infrastructure. Healthcare data is multiplying, and with Google Cloud, the company’s data environments are scalable.
  • Global control. Keeping each data environment in the host country maintained compliance with international data regulations and defined a strategy for entering new regions.

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