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Harnessing the Power of Google Cloud and Conversational AI: A Global Media's IT Support Evolution

1 min read
Nov 7, 2023


Google Cloud


Internet | Media


Canada / USA

The client is a digital media and broadcasting company that produces a range of content, from music to news to film and documentary production. The company was facing challenges with high-volume, low-level IT request tickets that didn’t require human interaction.

Pythian, being a trusted Google partner, was asked to leverage its Google Cloud and conversational AI expertise to automate the navigation of internal users to the correct answers.

What we did

Pythian worked with the customer’s IT director to develop a proof-of-concept (PoC) that demonstrated the effectiveness of intelligent virtual agents (chatbots) to automate various requests for IT support in Google Chat or via email. The virtual agents utilize a custom document vectorizer, which encodes unstructured data such as text and images, in Google Cloud Functions acting as a single source of truth from a series of internal and external data repositories.


Technologies used

  • Google Cloud Functions
  • Dialogflow
  • Google Drive (Workspace)

Key Outcomes

By implementing the PoC solution, the customer is able to:

Provide instant answers to employees or contractors in the field on a range of important topics instead of making them wait for IT staff to answer their tickets.

Give their IT staff the bandwidth to focus on more value-added tasks that provide more business value.

Scale their IT team in terms of efficiency and effectiveness by leveraging conversational AI technology.