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Cloud Armor pt. 3 – The Right Way

Cloud Armor pt. 3 – The Right Way

Cloud Armor Coding In the last post, I discussed some of Cloud Armor’s advanced features and how to work around various ...

3 min read
Cloud Armor pt. 2 – Customization of Rules

Cloud Armor pt. 2 – Customization of Rules

Cloud Armor Advanced Features In my last post, I discussed a basic Cloud Armor setup and how to tune it. However, I ...

4 min read
Cloud Armor pt. 1 – Securing your Application with Google’s WAF Cloud Armor

Cloud Armor pt. 1 – Securing your Application with Google’s WAF Cloud Armor

If you’re running an application on the public internet, security in this day and age is key. With the adage of defense ...

4 min read