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Expand your Oracle Tuning Tools with dbms_utility.expand_sql_text

Expand your Oracle Tuning Tools with dbms_utility.expand_sql_text

Expand an Oracle View to Full SELECT Text When working on a view composed of SELECT statements on other views, it can ...

9 min read
Slow query to V$ views after DBRU Patching

Slow query to V$ views after DBRU Patching

One of our clients patched its EBS database 19.13 to DBRU 19.17 and faced an issue with one of the seeded programs. The ...

3 min read
Leverage Snowflake Tagging to Empower Governance

Leverage Snowflake Tagging to Empower Governance

As the amount of data organizations collects grows, managing that data becomes increasingly complex. That’s where data ...

3 min read

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