Pythian Blog: Technical Track

Deploying a Private Cloud at Home — Part 2

Today's blog post is part two of seven in a series dedicated to Deploying Private Cloud at Home, where I will demonstrate how to do basic configuration setup to get started with OpenStack. In my first blog post, I explained why I decided to use OpenStack. I am using a two-node setup in my environment, but you can still follow these steps and configure everything on single node. The below configuration reflects my setup. Kindly modify it as per your subnet and settings.
  • My home network has subnet of
  • My home PC which I am turning into controller node has IP of
  • MY KVM Hypervisor which I am turning to compute node has IP of
  1. It is advisable to have DNS setup in your intranet but just in case you don't have it, you need to modify /etc/hosts file on both controller and compute node in order for OpenStack services to communicate to each other like below
    #Controller node controller
     #Compute node compute
  2. OpenStack services require a database to store information. You can use any database you are familiar with. I am using MySQL/MariaDB, as I am familiar with it. On the controller node, we will install the MySQL client and server packages, and the Python library.
     yum install -y mysql mysql-server MySQL-python
  3. Enable InnoDB, UTF-8 character set, and UTF-8 collation by default. To do that we need to modify /etc/my.cnf and set the following keys under [mysqld] section.
    default-storage-engine = innodb 
     collation-server = utf8_general_ci 
     init-connect = 'SET NAMES utf8' 
     character-set-server = utf8
  4. Start and enable the MySQL services
    service mysqld start
     chkconfig mysqld on
  5. Finally, set the root password for MySQL database. If you need further details about configuring the MySQL root password, there are many resources available online.
  6. On the compute node we need to install the MySQL Python library
    yum install -y MySQL-python
  7. Set up RDO repository on both controller and compute nodes
    yum install -y
  8. I am using CentOS 6.2 so I need to have epel repo as well. This step is not required if you are using distro other then RHEL, CentOS, Scientific Linux etc.
    yum install
  9. Install OpenStack utilities on both nodes and get started.
    yum install openstack-utils
Stay tuned for the remainder of my series, Deploying a Private Cloud at Home. In part three, we will continue configuring OpenStack services.

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