Pythian Blog: Technical Track

Configuring OID Connector in OIM 11.1.2

Configuring OID connector in OIM 11.1.2 for direct provisioning: There is a big change in the way direct provisioning is done from OIM (Oracle Identity manager) to OID (Oracle Internet Directory) using OIM 11.1.2 connectors. The connector documentation available for OIM 11.1.1 is The same documentation can be used for configuring provisioning/reconciliation using OIM 11.1.2 connectors. But, there is a difference in the way resource is added in 11.1.2 OIM screens and this blog post will help you do it. I did not come across OIM 11.1.2 specific connector documentation yet. Pre-install Tasks Create a Target System User Account for Connector Operations. Download the connector software from: Link: Perform pre-installation task (unzip the zip file in ConnectorDefault directory) [oracle@oim-server ConnectorDefaultDirectory]$ pwd /u01/Middleware1/Oracle_IDM1/server/ConnectorDefaultDirectory [oracle@oim-server ConnectorDefaultDirectory]$ unzip Archive: creating: OID- creating: OID- inflating: OID- creating: OID- inflating: OID- . . inflating: OID- inflating: OID- [oracle@oim-server ConnectorDefaultDirectory]$ [oracle@oim-server ConnectorDefaultDirectory]$ cd OID- [oracle@oim-server OID-]$ ls bundle configuration documentation lib readme.html resources xml Configuring OIM – OID Connector in Provisioning mode. Install the connector by login to https://<oim-hostname>.<domain>:14000/sysadmin/ Login: Please click on the images below to enlarge them. 1 xelsysadm/<pwd> Click on manage connectors. 2 Refresh this page. 3 Connector installation. 4 5 Click Load and wait till page loads 3 times. 6 Installation Successful. Run Oracle Identity Manager PurgeCache utility to load the server cache with content from the connector resource bundle. [oracle@oim-server bin]$ pwd /u01/Middleware1/Oracle_IDM1/server/bin [oracle@oim-server bin]$ export APP_SERVER=weblogic [oracle@oim-server bin]$ export OIM_ORACLE_HOME=/u01/Middleware1/Oracle_IDM1 [oracle@oim-server bin]$ export JAVA_HOME=/u01/jdk1.6.0_37 [oracle@oim-server bin]$ export WL_HOME=/u01/Middleware1/wlserver_10.3 [oracle@oim-server bin]$ ./ all For running the Utilities the following environment variables need to be set APP_SERVER is weblogic OIM_ORACLE_HOME is /u01/Middleware1/Oracle_IDM1 JAVA_HOME is /u01/jdk1.6.0_37 MW_HOME is /u01/Middleware1 WL_HOME is /u01/Middleware1/wlserver_10.3 DOMAIN_HOME is /u01/Middleware1/user_projects/domains/IDAM_domain [Enter the admin username:]xelsysadm [Enter the admin password:] [Enter the service url : (i.e.: t3://oimhostname:oimportno for weblogic or corbaloc:iiop:oimhostname:oimportno for websphere)]t3://<oimhostname>.<domain>:14000 weblogic.jndi.WLInitialContextFactory UsernamePasswordLoginModule.initialize(), debug enabled UsernamePasswordLoginModule.login(), username xelsysadm UsernamePasswordLoginModule.login(), URL t3://<oimhostname>.<domain>:14000 PurgeCache Login Success... Purging the cache categories:[all] is successful Configure IT resource for the Target System. IT resource name: OID Server IT Resource type: OID Server Configuration Lookup: Lookup.OID.Configuration Connect Server Name : <leave blank=''> baseContext : "dc=<client domain>,dc=com" (Note: Make sure you put the base context in quotes) credentials : **** failover : <blank> host : <oid host=''> port : <oid port> principal : cn=orcladmin ssl : false Login to https://<oimhostname>.<domain>:14000/sysadmin. 7 Click Search. 8 If you see an Error Page -> refresh the page by pressing F5 button. 9 Click edit. 10 * Did not install and configure the connector server for OID * Did not configure SSL for the connector * Did not Enabling Logging for the Connector Post-installation steps: Clear Content Related to Connector Resource Bundles from the Server Cache by running script. Set up the Lookup Definition for Connection Pooling (optional, did not do it for now). Perform the following inside the OIM design console Login to design console and make sure auto save feature is enabled in the OID user form (resource object). Login to design console by running $ORACLE_HOME/designconsole/ In the design console check Lookup.OID.Organization You will see only 281/LookupOIDOrg Add the following entry to Lookup.OID.Organization lookup: Code Key: 281~cn=Users,dc=<client domain>,dc=com (where 281 is the IT resource key) Decode: OID Server~cn=Users,dc==<client domain>,dc=com (where LDAP_server is the IT resource name) Run the 2 lookup field reconciliation jobs using the OIM scheduler: OID Connector Group Lookup Reconciliation Parameters (stuck with ones populated by default) key code attribute : dn decore attribute : cn IT resource name : OID Server Lookup Name : Lookup.OID.Group Object Type : Group OID Connector OU Lookup Reconciliation key code attribute : dn decore attribute : ou IT resource name : OID Server Lookup Name : Lookup.OID.Organization Object Type : OU Performing Provisioning Operations (Direct Provisioning) In 11.1.2 OIM, resource object cannot be directly assigned to a user. We need to create an application instance. So the procedure is as per the following: a. Create a sandbox. Do not publish it now. b. Create an application instance. Populate the following: Name: AppInstance1 Display Name: AppInstance1 Resource Object: OID User IT resource instance: OID Server Form: Create Resource Type: OID user Form Name: Form 1. Make sure bulkload options are enabled for all fields in the form. In the organization for the application instance populate "Xellerate Users" Click on checkbox for entitlement below. Run Catalog Synchronization job from scheduler in OIM. Publish the Catalog. Run Catalog Synchronization job from scheduler in OIM (does not cost to run multiple times). c. Create a user in OIM: Firstname: Subhajit Lastname: Chaudhuri Organization: Xellerate Users (depends) Organization Type: Consultant (depends) Userlogin: chaudhuri Password: **** Confirm password **** Once the user is created, go to Accounts tab. Click on request Account. Search for Catalog with string OID. Add AppInstance1 Application instance to the cart. d. Push the following information in the form: Userid Password First Name Last Name Container DN = OID Server~cn=Users,dc=<client domain>, dc=com ssouid Email ID Preferred Language Click on Ready to Submit Click on Submit e. User will now get provisioned. Check on resource summary for the user. System Validation Completed Create User done. f. Log into ODSM in OID. Check that the user got provisioned in OID as well.

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