Maris Elsins

Maris Elsins

Maris Elsins is an experienced Oracle Applications DBA currently working as Lead Database Consultant at The Pythian Group. His main areas of expertise are troubleshooting and performance tuning of Oracle Database and e-Business Suite systems. He is a blogger and a frequent speaker at Oracle related conferences such as UKOUG, Collaborate, Oracle OpenWorld, HotSos, and others. Maris is an Oracle ACE, an Oracle Certified Master, and a co-author of “Practical Oracle Database Appliance” (Apress, 2014). He's also a member of the board at Latvian Oracle User Group.

Recent stories

How to build a cost-effective serverless blogging platform on GCP - Part 2

Welcome back to the 2nd part! Last time, we set up the tools that allowed managing the blog as a set of configuration ...

12 min read

How to build a cost-effective serverless blogging platform on GCP - Part 1

I remember when I started blogging in 2008. It was a nice learning experience, and it was rewarding, too - both the ...

11 min read

Using Docker to provide self-service database patching

I've been looking into how Vagrant and/or Docker can be used to improve the life of DBAs and maybe others, too. I did ...

11 min read

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