Kedar Vaijanapurkar

Kedar Vaijanapurkar

Kedar is a MySQL Consultant at Pythian since Oct 2012. He's experienced in MySQL related technologies and constantly working on improving skills. Kedar also enjoys sharing on his

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Still have binlog_error_action as IGNORE_ERROR?

Still have binlog_error_action as IGNORE_ERROR?

Recently, we were affected by an ignored configuration option introduced in MySQL 5.6. This incident caused us to ...

5 min read

ProxySQL Configuration File & Startup Process Explained

When learning ProxySQL, we have seen some confusion around the configuration and especially around the usage of the ...

4 min read

Working with resource groups in MySQL 8

MySQL 8 is GA and it has a variety of new features. Recently, we happened to work with resource groups to restrict ...

4 min read

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