Jure Bratina

Jure Bratina is an experienced Oracle DBA currently working as a Database Consultant with The Pythian Group. The areas he most likes to work on are troubleshooting and performance tuning of Oracle databases. Jure is also a member of the Executive Committee at the Slovenian Oracle User Group (SIOUG).

Recent stories

Oracle Database Migrated to Cloud Starts Experiencing "log file sync" Waits

Oracle Database Migrated to Cloud Starts Experiencing "log file sync" Waits

A client was moving an Oracle database from their data center to one of the major cloud providers' ...

19 min read
Investigating a Chain of Events Resulting in Occasional Query’s Degraded Performance in Oracle

Investigating a Chain of Events Resulting in Occasional Query’s Degraded Performance in Oracle

A client asked us to verify why an INSERT AS SELECT statement, which was part of a scheduled ETL job executing on a ...

7 min read
Interesting variations in outcome when cloning a CDB with a subset of PDBs in Oracle

Interesting variations in outcome when cloning a CDB with a subset of PDBs in Oracle

Recently I was working on a client request where a CDB along with a subset of its PDBs had to be cloned to a new server ...

7 min read

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