Gleb Otochkin

Gleb Otochkin

Regarded by his peers as an Oracle guru, Gleb is known for being able to resolve any problem related to Oracle. He loves the satisfaction of troubleshooting, and his colleagues even say that seeking Gleb’s advice regarding an issue is more efficient than looking it up. Gleb enjoys the variety of challenges he faces while working at Pythian, rather than working on the same thing every day. His areas of speciality include Oracle RAC, Exadata, RMAN, SQL tuning, high availability, storage, performance tuning, and many more. When he’s not working, running, or cycling, Gleb can be found reading.

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HCC compression on Oracle Live SQL

I've written previously about "Oracle Live SQL", a free service from Oracle where you can try your coding skills and ...

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Oracle Live SQL revised

If you're not familiar with the Oracle Live SQL environment, then you should definitely try it. I wrote a blog some ...

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Oracle autonomous transaction processing - a good start

It has been almost a year since the last Open World where Oracle CTO and founder Larry Ellison proclaimed the new ...

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