Christo Kutrovsky

Christo Kutrovsky

An Oracle ACE with a deep understanding of databases, application memory, and input/output interactions, Christo is an expert at optimizing the performance of the most complex infrastructures. Methodical and efficiency-oriented, he equates the role of an ATCG Principal Consultant in many ways to that of a data analyst: both require a rigorous sifting-through of information to identify solutions to often large and complex problems. A dynamic speaker, Christo has delivered presentations at the IOUG, the UKOUG, the Rocky Mountain Oracle Users Group, Oracle Open World, and other industry conferences.

Recent stories

Oracle parallel query hints reference - part 7: PQ_DISTRIBUTE and partitioned tables

In Part 1 of the series, we covered in detail how the PQ_DISTRIBUTE can change the data distribution method across ...

9 min read

Oracle parallel query hints reference - part 6: USE_PARTITION_WISE_GBY

Welcome to part 6 of the series. The USE_PARTITION_WISE_GBY hint is "brand new," introduced in 12.2. I personally ...

4 min read

Oracle parallel query hints reference - part 5: PQ_DISTRIBUTE_WINDOW

Welcome to part 5 of the series. First, some background: if you want to skip to the reference part, scroll down. This ...

4 min read

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