Babette Turner

Senior DBA Babette first joined Pythian in February 2000 and except for two short stints as an independent contractor for the Canadian government has been working with us ever since.

Recent stories

Old Dog with New Tricks: Indexing Null Columns in Oracle

Old Dog with New Tricks: Indexing Null Columns in Oracle

I have been an Oracle DBA for quite some time now. Like most humans, when I find something that works well, I tend to ...

3 min read
How to Test and Verify that Oracle RDS Alert Log Monitoring is Working

How to Test and Verify that Oracle RDS Alert Log Monitoring is Working

One of the standard Oracle DBA tasks is to monitor the alert log for errors. Whether you’re using the integrated AWS ...

3 min read

Oracle Trace Files in User Directories

I encountered an unusual situation recently where Oracle was writing trace files into the user directory instead of the ...

3 min read

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