Account Locked - How to Access My Oracle Support?

1 min read
Jun 22, 2010

The error message I received this morning trying to login at was:
Your account has been locked for the next 3 hours due to too many invalid login attempts. Please try again later.
This was odd -- I think I used the right password and I only did it once. Oh well, SSO on has been behaving strangely these days (and I'm not even talking about availability of itself). Fortunately, there was a simple solution for this thanks to Simon Haslam who provided solution on Twitter. All you need to do is to use "Forgot password" functionality -- this will do both, reset your password and unblock the account. The latter is a surprising side-effect for me and that's why I didn't even think about resetting my password in the first place. Now, why would I blog about such a seemingly irrelevant issue? Since My Oracle Support (formerly Metalink) migrated to Single Sign-On integrated with, you can't access your Oracle support without a functioning account. I don't need to tell you what it means for a production DBA to loose access to Oracle support in critical times. Update: You won't be asked to reset your temporary password so you should change it yourself right away -- remember that your new password is potentially compromised as it's been sent using email which is not a secure media. To reset your account password go to your Account and click on "Change Password" in the top-right corner.

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