Delivering business value with Pythian’s Enterprise Data Platform QuickStart : Part 5

3 min read
Sep 22, 2022

With Pythian’s Enterprise Data Platform (EDP) QuickStart, customers extract exceptional business value. It demonstrates tangible proof that their data can be quickly integrated into the platform and used to drive powerful insights. Implemented in days and fully customized in less than four weeks, EDP QuickStart addresses lengthy project timelines that ultimately fail to provide business value.

Here are some examples of customer use cases we addressed on Google Cloud:

Global communications technology customer

A global communications technology provider struggled to deliver timely analytics to customers due to its on-premises Oracle database limitations. Pythian migrated the company to a high-performance Google Cloud data platform environment that could easily ingest thousands of files every hour and deliver near real-time analytics. Critical customer reports now run in minutes (compared to hours). The company has leveraged its modern cloud infrastructure to launch enhanced reporting and add customer value.

With its previous system, the company struggled to: 

  • Generate timely reports. As the company’s data volumes grew, its legacy Oracle system struggled. Slow pipeline performance jeopardized report availability and service-level agreements with major customers. 
  • Deliver regional metrics. Integrating customer data or creating regional analytics was nearly impossible due to the limitations of its legacy system. 
  • Leverage analytics for new revenue. The company realized there was potential to package and monetize its insights, but it lacked a systematic way to capture this valuable data.

Pythian helped the communications technology provider to: 

  • Move analytics to the cloud. The company chose Google Cloud and BigQuery to replace its on-premises Oracle database. Pythian developed a robust, flexible architecture and helped migrate its reporting infrastructure. 
  • Speed performance. The new cloud platform easily handles its high-intensity data needs, including ingesting thousands of files per hour and more than three terabytes of data daily. 
  • Monitor data proactively. A custom interface now monitors customer data proactively and triggers alerts for potential issues like service outages.

Senior Accommodation and Care Provider customer

A leading provider of senior accommodation, service, and care in Canada equipped its residents with monitoring IoT devices. These devices provided real-time monitoring of elderly residents and ensured a quick response in an emergency. 

The company also wanted to analyze the data for long-term trends in its residents’ health. Still, it generated several terabytes of data daily, and the company struggled to analyze it in its native format. 

Pythian worked with the company to implement EDP QuickStart. The solution allowed it to load the data into BigQuery and perform trend analysis on the movements and habits of the seniors in its care, leading directly to better outcomes. 

Retail customer

A global luxury fashion house needed to replace a 100-hour per month manual process of creating sales reports from multiple internal and external sources.

Pythian implemented EDP QuickStart to integrate, transform and unify multisource sales performance data. An automated process was created to deliver timely reports in Tableau to replace a time-consuming manual process of integrating and analyzing data in Excel.

This global fashion company now has a flexible, cost-effective analytics solution that automates a once time-consuming process of compiling sales performance reports. The new system lets it spend less time on basic reports and more time exploring data and finding answers to new business questions.


Establishing the foundations of a secure, scalable, and cost-effective data platform to meet the needs of your enterprise is within your grasp. It can be accelerated to weeks rather than months or years that such initiatives traditionally took. 

Pythian’s EDP QuickStart assets are battle-tested and designed around industry recognized best practices. You can quickly have a platform setup to unlock the rich value in your data and scale across your enterprise leveraging data to unlock insights, predictions and products. 

Using Google Cloud combined with a skilled services partner such as Pythian, you can remove the barriers between your organization and your data to realize tangible and measurable value. Google brings data and software together for businesses of all sizes looking to build a data cloud to take your company beyond anything you can imagine today.

To learn more about Pythian and how you can kickstart your data platform journey with Pythian Enterprise Data Platform QuickStart for Google Cloud, please see this offering overview and reach out to Pythian to get started.

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